Every OG csgo players love to collect operation coins and medals in their steam account but very few and fewer people have been down this road as it’s been a hell of a roaster ride for csgo 9 years. For us, it looks like yesterday we moved from Cs 1.6 to Csgo and the fun is still on. But for many players who started playing this game and whenever they look at other player’s Steam profiles, they often find something like coins that they haven’t seen ever in-game, and sadly they feel like they have missed too much but worry not because we are going to show you all the coins which were launched by valve with the operations.
We will now list all the operation coins launched by csgo valve from the starting to till now so sit back and relax as it’s a journey of 9 years.
1st Operation launched by Csgo was Operation Payback in the 2013 year
Here’s a photo of the operation taken in-game.
And there was a coin released which can be upgraded to two levels from bronze to silver then gold after playing on operation maps for some hours, For upgrading the coin to Silver you needed to play 10 Hours, and For gold, you needed 50 Hours to play on operation maps.
Here is a photo of all the coins:
2nd Operation launched by Csgo was Operation Bravo on date 19th of September 2013
And it also came with a coin which can be upgraded to two levels from bronze to silver and then gold after playing on operation maps for some hours, For upgrading the coin to Silver you needed to play 10 Hours + 5 Competitive wins on an operation map and For gold, you needed 30 Hours + 15 Competitive wins on an operation map.
3rd Operation launched by Csgo was Phoenix Operation on 20th February 2014 and it was kind of dope.
Just like the previous operation, it came out with a coin that can be upgraded to two levels from bronze to silver and gold. Here is a picture of coins:
They were extremely dug by many players. For upgrading to Silver you needed to play 10 hours on operation maps + you need to win 5 Competitive matches and For Gold, you needed to play 30 hours on operation maps + you need to win 15 Competitive matches just like Bravo.
4th Operation was launched by csgo as Breakout Operation on 1st July 2014 and here is a picture of it
And the coin was released with the name Operation Breakout Coin and here’s a pic of breakout coins.
And same with this as like other operations, you get the Operation Breakout Bronze Coin after you buy the operation pass then you can upgrade to Silver by Completing 5 missions and to Gold by completing 15 Missions, but you could see the operation missions progress in-game home screen.
5th Operation launched by Csgo was Vanguard Operation on 11th November 2014
And it was also released with a coin and it looked like a bird with wings attached to it and here is a picture of it.
You can get the bronze coin by purchasing the pass for the operation, you can also upgrade the Bronze coin to Silver by Accruing 3 Stars by doing missions, and also can upgrade to the gold coin by accruing 4 stars.
6th Operation launched by Csgo was Bloodhound Operation on 11th November 2014
And the coin came it was called Operation Bloodhound Bronze Coin and it can be upgraded to Silver and Gold Coin.
For Bronze you need to buy the operation pass then you can upgrade to Silver by accruing 9 stars by completing missions and after that to gold by accruing 14 stars.
Here’s a picture of the coin.
7th Operation launched by Csgo was Wildfire on 17th February 2016
And the coin launched with this operation was called Operation Wildfire Coin which was also upgradable just like other operations but it was the coolest one till 2016 that csgo has come up with, take a look at the picture of it.
The bronze coin came with the pass but for silver and gold you need to do some missions and get some stars, For silver, it was 9 Stars and for gold, it was 14.
8th Operation launched by Csgo was Hydra Operation on 23 May 2017
The coin launched with this operation was named Operation Hydra Coin but unlike others till now, it can be upgradable to 3 levels, first to Silver then Gold, and the last Diamond Coin. We have also shared a picture of it, give it a look
You could get the bronze coin by purchasing the operation pass but to upgrade you have to do some missions and accrue stars which was a tough job to do as there were three upgrades to coin and a lot of missions, for Silver you need 5 Stars, for Gold 18 and for Diamond you needed 25.
The 9th Operation launched by Csgo was the Shattered Web Operation on 18th November 2019
And this time csgo changed many things with the operation and the coin which comes with the operation also looked different, have a look with your own eyes
It looked like a triangle, not a coin and there was a spider attached to it, but it was kind of incredible, and just like Hydra it can also be upgradable to 3 levels, first to Silver then Gold and in the last the Diamond Coin.
For Silver, you needed 33 Missions to complete, for Gold 66, and for Diamond to get you to need the whole 100 missions to complete.
The 10th Operation launched by Csgo was Broken Fang on 3rd December 2021
And the coin that came with this one was kinda impressive and in-game slang too op.
And it can also be upgradable to three levels this one was shaped like a snake and leopard were fighting and it looked awesome when set as a display coin same as others you needed to do missions to upgrade it like other coins and get stars. For bronze you need to just buy the pass then for silver you need 33 Stars, For gold 66 Stars, and the last upgrade diamond coin can be achieved by doing 100 Stars.
10th Operation launched by Csgo was Riptide Operation on 21 September 2021
And the coin which was released with this operation was named Operation Riptide Coin and like others, it can be upgradable to 3 levels, first to Silver then Gold, and then Diamond Coin.
This coin was shaped in a circle but there was a shark in the middle of the coin with two knives in a criss-cross position. You could get bronze by buying the Operation pass the aim for Silver by doing some mission and obtaining 33 stars then for Gold you need to get 66 and for the ultimate Diamond Coin you need to do obtain 100 Stars.
These were all the coins that were released by csgo with the Operation but there are a few more that were awarded as a token of goodwill by the valve in a gesture.
5 Year Veteran Coin was released by the valve on 22 August 2013 in an update.
This coin was only given to those who were a member of the Counter-Strike community by that they mean if a player who owned any of the games of the Counter-Strike franchise for 5 Years and owned Counter-Strike Global Offensive for any period would get awarded the 5 Year Veteran Coin which is kind of the best and still the hottest coin to get.
Here’s a picture of the coin.
10 Year Veteran Coin was released on 17 December 2018
It kind of looks like the same as the 5 Year Veteran Coin but it has a logo of 10 Year sign on the coin, it was also only given to those who owned any game from the Counter-Strike franchise for 10 Years and owned Counter Strike Global Offensive for any period will get the coin in their csgo inventory and can display on their account.
Picture of 10-Year Veteran Coin.
There is also one more coin but very few people get them as a part of a token of consideration from csgo developers for their part in designing the map for csgo and it is called Map Contributor Coin.
This was all the history you need to know about the csgo coins and now whenever you play and see them in the game on another player’s profile and you’ll know they were a part of history.
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